49 research outputs found

    Infant and parental pathways to preschool cognitive competence

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    In a longitudinal study, 62 parent‐child dyads were seen during the second year of life and at 4 years of age. At 12 months, measures included parental sensitive responsiveness during free play, knowledge of cognitive‐communicative development in infancy, and level of exploration and disinhibitedness of the infant. At 16 and at 20 months, parental responsiveness and directiveness and infant task mastery behaviour were assessed in constructive play. Quality of verbal guidance of the parent was assessed in a joint attention situation. At 48 months of age, the McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities were administered at home, together with dyadic tasks. A path analysis revealed a model in which both verbal abilities and perceptual performance outcome measures were well predicted by the quality of parental verbal guidance in the second year. The latter measure was shown to be independent of the socioeconomic status of parents in the group, but was significantly related with knowledge of infant cognitive‐communicative development. Of the measures at the outset of the second year, only socioeconomic status remained as having a direct path at pre‐school age. The consistency of the model with other empirical findings underscores parental verbal scaffolding as an important shaper of cognitive development

    Self-recognition in infants : some reflections beyond the mirror

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    Sensitiviteit en gehechtheid

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    Interprofessional education in Europe: policy and practice

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    This book contributes to the development of IPE in higher education institutions where IPE is not yet deployed, but also in institutions where IPE is present but not fully developed. It provides policy issues and examples of good practice, showing elements which have to be taken into account when developing and implementing interprofessional courses, course units, or study programmes. Inspiring examples are given from several institutions across Europe. Authors are experts in the filed

    The amazing twos : cognitive development in the second year of life and its implications on parent-infant interaction

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    Interprofessioneel en interdisciplinair samenwerken in gezondheid en welzijn

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    Dit boek behandelt de verschillende aspecten die belangrijk zijn bij het samenwerken over beroepsgrenzen heen, waarbij de deskundigheden van verschillende gezondheidswerkers gecombineerd worden voor een betere gezondheidszorg. Na een bespreking van de specifieke competenties en bevoegdheden van hulp- en zorgverleners worden de interdisciplinaire competenties beschreven die nodig zijn en de instrumenten die ingezet kunnen worden om de bepaling, planning en opvolging van interventies meer gecoördineerd en in onderlinge afstemming te laten gebeuren. Ten slotte brengt het methoden en instrumenten aan om de kwaliteit van interdisciplinair samenwerken te meten

    Implementation of self-assessment of IP quality in team consultation meetings in primary care

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    Presentation of the development and implementation of a tool for team-based self-assessment of interprofessional consultation meetings in Flanders